Zero Antiallergic Surgical Gloves

Zero Antiallergic Surgical Gloves,

Produced with new generation flexilon technology; The glove with the best AQL ratio in the world is not allergic to TYPE1 and TYPE4 as it does not contain chemicals such as latex, process accelerators and cross-linkers.

General Features

  1. It does not contain latex and powder.
  2. It does not cause allergy to ‘Type 1 Latex‘ and ‘Type 4 Chemical‘.
  3. Gloves are made of "Thermoplastic Elastomer (SEBS) Hydrogenated Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene" material with cast film technology.
  4. With acceptable quality level AQL 0.1, it has the highest quality level and best liquid tightness in its class.
  5. Since it is not produced by dipping method, it is produced with cast film technology, it does not have micro holes. It is 100% liquid-proof.
  6. It has a shelf life of 3 years.
  7. Perfect hand fit is provided with the ‘ScanFit‘ anatomical shaping method.
  8. High dielectric coefficient and excellent insulation when used with cautery.
  9. It is the most flexible glove in the world with an elastic modulus of 1.2 MPa, it does not tire the hand with its low stress force.
  10. E BEAM sterilization method, which is the latest technology and leaves very little residue, is used.
  11. It has an antioxidant inner coating.

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